Two of the younger drop-in visitors to the annual Pro One Stop Customer Appreciation BBQ held last Saturday, were 5-year-old, Kayleigh, and 7-year-old, Amber of Stirling. The sisters are seen here, sitting comfortably on the tailgate of Dad’s pickup, each enjoying a hot-off-the-grill, hot dog. Members of the local Lions Club and Stirling Rotary Club have worked together each and every year to help make this popular annual event such tremendous a success.

STIRLING – It all began almost a dozen years ago with one simple thought. “We wanted to do something to thank our wonderful customers,” explained Julie Yoo, owner/operator of the Pro One Stop convenience store in Stirling, “and the idea of inviting everyone to a customer appreciation barbeque, right here, at our place of business seemed like a good idea.”

When members of the Stirling Rotary club heard about the proposed event they quickly offered to lend a hand. “Julie and Min have always stepped up to support so many of our fundraisers over the years,” explained Stirling Rotarian, Laurie Osborne, “so we saw this as a tremendous opportunity to thank them for all that they do.”

News travels fast in the Little Village with a Big Heart and when the local Lions’ club heard about the event, they were eager to help as well. “Our two service clubs already work together on various community projects,” noted Stirling Lion, Deb Brown, “and we simply wanted to be a part of this to show our club’s appreciation as well.”

And so it was that Min and Julie (with a little help from their friends) have been able to host this popular, annual event for almost a dozen years. This year’s barbeque, held last Saturday, on site, at the Pro One Stop, from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. featured a delightfully delicious menu, with hot-off-the-grill, burgers and hot dogs along with a variety of cold drinks and tasty treats – all offered free of charge.

And just a few minutes north of the Pro One Stop on Hwy 14 is the Water Buffalo Farm – owned and operated Lori Smith and Martin Littkemann.  “I’ve known Lori for as long as we have been here,” noted Julie, “and a few years ago, she and Martin offered to donate burgers to our barbeque. It was great to be able to add Buffalo Burgers to the menu and they were such a big hit that we just had to make certain that we did it every year. People love the Water Buffalo products.”

The Pro One Stop continues to be a most popular stop for locals and tourists alike as Min and Julie’s mere presence ensures it is one of friendliest stops in the village.

“I’ve been coming here for gas and to pick up my lottery tickets and whatnot for as long as the Pro has been here,” proclaimed Stirling resident, Sandra Wilson, “and I wouldn’t think of stopping anywhere else. Julie has a welcoming smile that lights up a room and she knows all of her regular customers by name.”