The original Rotary Club of Stirling recieved its Charter on Tuesday, April 19, 1949 with 22 Rotary Clubs in attendance for the presentation of the Charter by District Governor, Edward A. Simmons, of the Rotary Club of Trenton, that had sponosred the Stirling club. The Charter was presented to the new Club's President, Mr. Alton Hadley. President Hadley thanked the Governor and outlined the history and purposes of the Rotary movement to the new Rotary Club which is based on "Service above Self".
Early in 1996, Trenton Rotarian and now Past President of Rotary International Wilf Wilkinson and Quinte Sunrise Rotarian Ray Noble contacted several members of the Stirling community to explore the possibility of starting a new Rotary CLub if Stirling. Soon after Alex Winkler, Larry Groves and Alan Coxwell joined a few others for meetings in the basement of the United Church and the Stirling Library boardroom for informal discussions to consider this proposal. WIlf gave an overview of what Rotary stood for and with an enthusiastic and postive response from those present, plans for the new club were soon takinf shaoe. Larry Groves volunteered to serve as the Charter President.
The new Charter was granted to the Rotary Club of Stirling on April 25, 1996 by District Governor Roger Hayward. The club was chartered with 16 members who celebrated with a Charter Night on June 7, 1996.